Shin'a'in FAQ

(Revised 2/7/02)

Misty has described the Shin'a'in culture as being "a combination of Plains Indian and Mongols" (The Valdemar Companion 2001:61). All of the Shin'a'in have dark hair, golden skin and blue eyes. They wear bright garments, except for the Kal'enedril. The Kal'enedril who are Sword Sworn but not on Blood Feud wear sable brown. Those who are Sword Sworn and on Blood Feud wear black. Those who are Crone Sworn were dark midnight blue. There are only thirteen Crone Sworn Kal'enedril.

The Shin'a'in keep their history in song and in woven rugs that are guarded by the Crone Sworn Kal'enedril at Kata'shin'a'in. The Shin'a'in are also known for their drummers.

Known clans of the Shin'a'in are:

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